The Woodland and Invasive Non-Native Species Project (Pendle WINNS) aimed to improve biodiversity on Pendle Hill, enhancing its amenity value, and improving partnership working across the Landscape Partnership area. Additionally, the project aimed to promote better environmental awareness and engaged farmers, landowners, communities and volunteers on and around the Pendle Hill
area in: the creation of new woodlands, better management of existing woodlands, and in tackling invasive species such as Himalayan Balsam.
The main delivery partner for the WINNS project were the Ribble Rivers Trust with funds secured from The Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, Woodland Trust, Defra and the Forestry Commission.
Ribble Rivers Trust were able to work with many farmers and landowners across the landscape area, to bring four existing woodlands into management; and to create 12 new woodlands covering a total of 19.5 hectares. Five sites also benefitted from the removal of Himalayan balsam.
In total 580 volunteer days were contributed (worth at least £29,000) over 101 different sessions. Volunteers were crucial to the success of the project, providing the driving force behind the annual tree planting marathons. In addition, each Spring 3 or 4 local schools were involved in tree planting in partnership with the Outdoor Learning project.